ALL profits from Johnny Vet activities are donated to Code of Support Foundation
Code of Support Foundation (COSF) is a 501c3 tax exempt organization that is transforming how service members, veterans and their families get the care they need, and through their service and sacrifice, have earned.
Case Coordination
Service members, veterans and families with complex needs are assigned a Case Coordinator ( an experienced veteran or care giver) to assess the needs of the family, develop an action plan, and work with partner organizations to deliver the necessary services to restore that family to a fully functioning level. When clients are located in an area served by an existing collaborative, COSF hands off that case to the local organization. Otherwise, that case is handled directly by COSF.
PATRIOTlink is a cloud-based searchable data base of thousands of support resources available at no cost to troops, veterans and military families. Resources are catalogued by they type of service (e.g., housing, financial support, mental health, etc.) and the eligibility criteria (e.g., branch of service, deployments, era of service, disability ratings, etc.).